Greener Construction

Reducing Carbon Emissions in Construction



We have over 50 building sites running at any one time. A significant percentage of our emissions come from these sites. With energy and fuel used to power site cabins and run plant and machinery for every site, we know we must focus on reducing with the foresight of eventually eliminating fossil fuels from site.

Procuring 100% natural and renewable electricity anywhere, let alone on-site, is a mammoth task. We know this is part of our long-term plan, and in the short term, we are investigating several avenues to inch us forward toward this goal.


Our recently launched Eco-pods pilot scheme is underway, with solar-generated welfare offices deployed at our Stanton Cross and Wintringham sites and their energy-saving benefits in mid-review.

Other technologies are also being assessed to equip the cabins with lighting controls, timed heating controls, better insulation, and the functionality to turn off selected equipment overnight and at weekends and holidays.


Running electric vehicles on-site can be highly challenging, especially as getting a site connected to the grid can take a while. To make this work, we need to make early grid connections.

We aim to gradually upgrade our van fleet to EV vehicles as the diesel fleet ends its required life. We have Five Nissan e-NV200 combi vans waiting for delivery, which will be deployed as pool cars for site operatives to share and travel to site.

Other technologies are also being assessed to equip the cabins with lighting controls, timed heating controls, better insulation, and the functionality to turn off selected equipment overnight and at weekends and holidays.