West Cambourne Phase 1 Infrastructure
Cambourne West Consortium
A1198, Caxton, Cambourne
Project Value:
Project Scope
- Site clearance
- Earthworks
- Network of segregated carriageway, pedestrian & cycle route
- Sustainable surface water drainage systems
- Foul water drainage
- Foul pumping station and 3km of rising main
- Retaining walls in new ponds
- Three new access points at Sheepfold Lane and on A1198
Project Overview
The Cambourne West Consortium gained consent to create a thriving, vibrant and sustainable community with approval to develop up to 2,350 residential & retail units along with offices, community, leisure facilities and three schools. The development would be a collection of three new neighborhoods called Sheepfold, Swansley Park and Woodfield.
The infrastructure would facilitate convenient access to existing and proposed employment areas, and a network of safe, accessible streets and off-road pedestrian and cycle paths to encourage non-motorised transport, and to support sustainable transport methods.
ECL was appointed as the Principal Contractor to deliver the first phase of infrastructure to complete Sheepfold and begin Swansley Park.
On project initiation we set-up a public relations communication plan to liaise with local residents and businesses in advance of works and to maintain communications whilst works continued. Two-way communication was essential and promoted through the use of information boards, social channels, email and letter drops. Residents were able to easily get in touch and everyone was kept up to date with the project progression.
Cambourne site closed for 7 weeks due to COVID. During this setback, we develop and deploy an interactive training portal to ensure everyone could digest new health & safety measures and make certain our compounds were able to remain open without further outbreaks of the virus on-site.